How To Improve Fuel Economy In Your RV

fuel economy

How To Improve Fuel Economy In Your RV

Are you ready to hit the road in your RV but dread the hefty gas bills that come along for the ride? Luckily, improving fuel economy in your rig is not just a pipedream; it’s an achievable goal that can save you money and make your travels more enjoyable. Whether you’re a seasoned RV enthusiast or a newbie gearing up for your maiden voyage, maximizing fuel efficiency in your rig should be high on your list of priorities.

But what are the best ways to ensure you get good gas mileage?

Consider the Type of RV You Drive

For starters, the type of RV you’re driving plays a big role in determining its fuel consumption. Class A motorhomes and coaches, while luxurious and spacious, tend to guzzle gas at a rate of about six to 10 miles per gallon. Class C RVs offer slightly better mileage, while Class B vans often boast the best fuel economy in the RV world. But regardless of your rig’s make and model, there are several strategies you can employ to stretch those miles per gallon.

Drive at a Reasonable Speed

Excessive speed increases fuel consumption and also puts undue stress on your RV’s engine and tires. Instead, adopt a steady and reasonable driving pace, such as a moderate 55 to 60 miles per hour. Utilizing cruise control can also help you maintain a consistent speed and improve overall fuel efficiency, too.

Avoid Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving habits are another fuel-guzzling culprit to avoid. Resist the temptation to floor it at green lights or weave in and out of traffic lanes. Smooth, steady acceleration and deceleration are key to minimizing fuel consumption, even in larger motorhomes.

Limit Extra Weight in Your RV

Weight management is crucial when it comes to optimizing your rig’s fuel efficiency. Before embarking on any trip, take a close look at your cargo and ask yourself, “Do I really need all of this stuff?” Shedding unnecessary weight, whether it’s excess gear or non-essential items, can make a noticeable difference in your RV’s gas mileage.

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

Keeping your tires inflated to the recommended pressure not only improves safety and handling but also enhances fuel economy. Regularly inspect and inflate your tires to make sure your tires are performing properly on the open road.

Schedule Regular Maintenance 

Last but not least, stay on top of routine maintenance to keep your RV running smoothly. Replace worn spark plugs and oxygen sensors, change the air filter as needed, and schedule regular tune-ups to optimize fuel efficiency.

By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, you can take big strides toward improving the fuel economy of your RV. Do you have any tips for saving gas in your rig? Let us know in the comments or contact us today!

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